It was a cool morning but that makes for perfect canvassing weather! As a motivational tool, I highlight a map every day to show my progress and I have to say, I'm really impressed with all the ground I've covered!
So much orange highlighter! |
I originally aimed to have everything done by Cactus Fest but it soon became apparent that stopping to talk with people took up more time than I'd anticipated. This is a very good thing. Being the kinda guy I am, it's easy to focus on raw "efficiency" but it pays to remember that the reason I'm out there in the first place is to meet people.
With that in mind, my new goal for having visited every street in Dundas is Labour Day and I think I'm on track.
After a leisurely morning of canvassing, it was time to get cracking on Cactus Fest details. I packed up the Element with all sorts of stuff I might need.
Gulp! |
Then, I went downtown to Cactus Fest HQ to get my vendor permit. Ironically, I got there at the same time as Toby Yull, one of the other candidates. You'll remember that we both submitted our nomination papers on the same day too. We both had a good laugh.
I was assigned booth #8, which is just about perfect. I'm out in front of the Carnegie Gallery and the Hamilton Conservation Authority will be one of my neighbours. I'm on the shady side of the street and I'm just a few feet away from one of the stages. I probably couldn't have chosen a better spot if I'd done it myself.
Home for the weekend! |
I'm just now taking a brief break (if you call writing a blog post taking a break) before I head back out there for set-up. The street closes at 5PM and we have an hour to get our act together before they release the hounds.
Finally, I spotted this new SoBi Bike Share station on King and Miller's Lane. Looking pretty sharp!
It's like looking into the future! |
I hope to see you all out at Cactus Fest!
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