Thursday, 11 September 2014

Sick Day

My son woke up this morning with a brutal fever and a chest rattling cough. He looked just miserable.

Although I understand there's some sort of respiratory virus making the rounds of Dundas schools and daycares, the only responsible thing to do in this situation is to make a day of it and keep him home.

Luckily, I work from home so with slightly more juggling than usual, I can still be moderately useful while making sure the boy is well looked after.

In fact, I'm sneaking this post in while he's down for his nap... Shhh!

Some of the fun I'm having today is rehearsing my opening remarks for next week's Cable 14 televised debate. I get two minutes and I want it to be tight!

Of course, that means that I'm walking around the house, declaiming to empty rooms, which my son thinks is hilarious. "What are you saying?"

In other news, it looks like the stage at the debate is going to be quite crowded! Two more candidates have nominated themselves to run for Ward 13: Kevin Norton and Christeen Urquhart. That brings the total (for now) up to nine! And that's still with (as of this moment) 24 hours left to go before nominations close!

As usual, welcome and good luck to the new candidates. I hope for their sake that they've been working hard behind the scenes because I can't imaging starting from scratch this late in the game!

Though it does throw a minor spanner into the works, I have to admit I am enjoying my impromptu father/son day. Even sick, I still really enjoy his company!

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