Wednesday, 22 October 2014

A Better Way to DVSS

One question that's been on my mind since I started my campaign is "Is there a better way to connect Dundas Valley Secondary to Downtown?"

On a purely personal level, I'm looking ahead to a time when my own son needs to find a way to get himself to DVSS for school (I have time yet, he just turned 3...).

I keep thinking to myself that there must be a way to implement a cross-town greenway from DVSS to the soon-to-be Rotary Creekside Parkette.

Let's take a look at what Google tells us today.

24 minutes
This route is currently the most direct for a pedestrian. It takes 24 minutes and it's almost entirely along Governor's.

28 minutes
This route is slightly longer at 28 minutes but it does take advantage of the Spencer Creek trail, the Chegwin Park path and Central Park Avenue. There's a stretch along Creighton and the last leg along Governor's.

32 minutes
This route is longer still at 32 minutes but it's far more pleasant (and quieter), making use of Ann, Sullivan and Huntingwood with a greatly reduced amount along Governor's.

That's pretty good and clearly a lot nicer. If I allow myself to daydream for a bit, I think we could cut that route back down to something a lot closer to the original 24 minutes.

How about a bridge over Spencer Creek connecting the condos to the Spencer Creek trail?

How about including a section through the Montessori School property?

How about building a trail along the creek off Ann or down the hill at the end of Begue?

Why not install a pedestrian activated crosswalk across Governor's at Huntingwood?

Maybe a protected multi-use path along the south side of Governor's from Huntingwood to Castlewood?

Maybe we could pave and light the entire thing and put SoBi bikeshare stations at either end...

Hey, that might be pretty nice! Imagine that.

Culvert at the bottom of the Begue Street trail.
Intersection of Huntingwood and Governor's
Entrance of the Sullivan Street trail.
Exit of the Sullivan Street trail on Huntingwood

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