Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Some of my Best Friends Are Politicians...

As we near the end of the municipal campaign, I'm starting to run into the other candidates for Dundas with almost comic regularity. I think I've seen Danya every other day for the last two weeks. Yesterday, I ran into both Rick and Toby in the same neighbourhood at different times of the day. Today, I ran into Arlene out on Little John... not far from Toby's house.

Inevitably, our little encounters turn into little gossip fests and chances to exchange war stories. Campaigning is nothing if not entertaining.

On my way out of the house this morning, I checked my voice mail and discovered a message from earlier this morning from Lisa Hepfner at CHCH. It turns out that they wanted to do a Ward profile on Dundas for this evening's news and they wanted to assess my availability.

I got in touch and they decided to come meet me out on the street. A few exchanged texts later and there I was in front of a camera!  It was fun and from what I hear, it turned out great. I'll dig up a link to it tomorrow.

For the rest of the night, I was in rapt attendance at the School Board Trustee debate at Town Hall. It was packed but it's quite late now so I'll give you a quick wrap-up tomorrow night.

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