Monday, 14 July 2014

My First Real Day On the Job

Now that the excitement of getting in the game is starting to abate, today, it was time to get down to brass tacks and get some real work done.

On today's To Do list:

  1. Design and order campaign post cards and stickers.
  2. Register for the Dundas Cactus Fest.
  3. Go to the bank and dump some money in my campaign account so I can pay for all this nice stuff.
Fairly modest, right?

Item #1

Done and done!

The post card.

The sticker.
Pretty slick, right? With any luck, I should have this stuff in my hot little hands by the end of the week.

Item #2

Done and done! 

Be there or be square.

As a candidate for municipal election, I qualify as a Not for Profit/Charity and the rate for a 10'x10' patch of King Street for the entire festival is $250 ($282.50 after HST). Possibly the bargain of the century. You can't really put a price on being able to interact with thousands of citizens in such a fun atmosphere. 

I hope I'm near one of the stages, I'd love to be entertained while I'm there!

Item #3

Done and done!

While I'm looking at different ways to do some fund raising (and I do have some really fun ideas...), if I'm going to get this thing off the ground, I need to put up some seed money. 

You'll recall that the spending limit is actually quite modest for this election, especially if you include in-kind work. I'll need to be creative.

This afternoon, I took a deep breath and put my money where my mouth is. I deposited $5,000 dollars into my campaign account. That should keep me going for a bit. Yikes!

Coming Up

Tonight, I'm off to my first community meeting as a municipal candidate, which is pretty neat. 

Hamilton Civic League Meeting
Volunteer Hamilton
267 King Street East (near Wellington)
Monday, July 14, 2014
7:00 –9pm

Hope to see you there!

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