Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The Grind

I love a challenge and although I consider myself relatively web-savvy, I've never tried building a website. Every campaign needs a website. What to do?

Thankfully, I have some good friends that set me up with a proper URL and a WordPress account. "It's really easy!" they said as they handed me the keys...

Never one to leave well enough alone, I had to go tinkering. Well, let me tell you, I had that thing pretty well screwed up for the better part of the day. My apologies to anyone unfortunate enough to visit while I was "fixing" things that weren't broken.

To give you an idea of the kind of day I was having, I learned what a widget was today and how not to make them work properly. Everything should be fully operational by next week. Trust me.

As I mentioned yesterday, I was invited to attend a meeting of the Hamilton Civic League last night as a candidate. I was very warmly received and was encouraged to participate.

There were some very thought-provoking presentations and a great summary of the results of their Values & Priorities survey. It was fascinating to see just how my personal opinions lined-up with those of the respondents.

I also ran into another candidate there who may be familiar to you from his involvement with Open Streets: Ira Rosen. He's running to take over Brian McHattie's seat in Ward 1. Seemed like a genuinely nice guy so I became his first (and only) twitter follower!

Coming Up

The Hamilton Civic League is having their kick-off for the People's Platform tonight at Democracy on Locke:

People's Platform , 7 pm tonight, Democracy Cafe, 202 Locke St S.

Based on the quality of last night's discussion, I'm looking forward to good things tonight.

Also, tomorrow will mark the start of something new for me. Throughout the summer, in addition to canvassing, I will be available for "office hours" from 10AM to noon every Wednesday at the Dundas branch of the Hamilton Public Library. Please drop-in and say hi! (I'll have a sign on my table to identify myself.)

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