Thursday, 3 July 2014

The Publicity Shot

Ugh, I knew it was coming and there it was in my inbox, a request from the Dundas Star News for a publicity photo. "In the meantime, before Monday (our regular weekly deadline), can you please forward a photo (high-res jpeg)  of yourself to this email address."

Excluding license and passport photos, the last time I "sat for a portrait" was in high school. I'm just a regular guy who likes to get things done; I'm not big on photos. Never mind the fact that I was sporting a week-old beard and too-long-to-be-taken-seriously hair (I'm supposed to be on vacation); I have a big (to be kind) "busted" nose, a cheesy grin and my glasses never seem to sit straight on my face. I'm a mess.

This morning, I shaved, got a haircut and pulled myself together. Time for a picture!

Yes, that was the best one.

However, the one thing I do love about this photo is the location. For those of you that don't recognize it, it's one of the new benches at Dundas Central Elementary. To me, it symbolizes everything I adore about Dundas and it represents a lot of the ideas I've put forth in my platform.

When I talk about families and diversity, I think about the families I saw building the park and the kids I see enjoying it every day. 

When I talk about innovation and infrastructure, I think about risk takers like Michelle Chin, president of the Central Home and School Association, who had the nerve to suggest such a crazy project, and Adam Bienenstock, who runs a fantastic business right here in Dundas.

When I talk about prosperity, I think about how we're all better off for these myriad projects, big and small, that make Dundas a better place to live every day.

I still smile every time I walk past the park and see my son's paintings wired to the fence surrounding the JK/SK play area. 

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